How can I delete my Driverly account?

We're sorry to hear that you're considering deleting your Driverly account but we're here to help. If you've decided deleting your account is a simple process.
1. Log in to your Driverly account.
2. Tap the menu button (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner of the screen and Tap on your name from the menu.
3. Tap on the three-dot button on the page and tap "Delete account".
4. Follow the prompts to provide feedback on why you are deleting your account.
5. Click on "Yes, delete my account" to confirm.
By deleting your Driverly account, you won’t be able to access your driving data, and your account and its associated data will be deleted within 30 days.
Your Right to Erasure (and Right to Withdraw Consent) applies to any and all personal data collected from you based on having acquired your Consent; we will also endeavour to delete any data collected from you based on Legitimate Interest but, depending on your usage of our services, we may retain some personal data that we may need to protect our interests in the future. This data might include the minimal information we need to identify you, records of any financial benefits you received from us (e.g Vouchers received and Acorns spent) and information concerning crashes or driving behaviour that might be relevant if you reengage with us in future. In this scenario, we will only keep the minimal information necessary to protect our interests and will ensure that it receives special protection and can only be accessed by internal staff for whom it is absolutely necessary.