If you’re not happy with Driverly, then we’re not happy.
At Driverly, we take complaints very seriously. Whether you’re annoyed, dissatisfied, or just a bit miffed, we want to make it right.
If you want to make a complaint, or let us know you’re not happy, you can contact us through the complaints form below. Alternatively, you can email or write to us using the details below.
When complaints are made, we’ll try to resolve the matter as soon as we can. To help us get this sorted as quickly as possible, this is our complaints procedure:
You'll need to tell us:
Your personal details
Your policy details
What's gone wrong
What you want us to do to put things right
If we’re unable to resolve your concerns quickly, we will:
Acknowledge your complaint promptly
Assign a dedicated complaint expert to review your complaint
Carry out a thorough and impartial investigation
Keep you updated of the progress
Do everything we can to resolve things as quickly as possible
Provide a written response within 8 weeks of receiving your complaint. This will inform you of the results of our investigation or explain why this isn’t possible.
If you’re not happy with our response and feel we’ve not considered all your issues – or you can provide further information – please let us know and we’ll be happy to review.
If we don’t feel your complaint is justified, we’ll give you the reasons for our decision.
If you’re not happy with this and want to take the matter further, you can contact The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). This is a free, independent and impartial service for consumers, which aims to resolve disputes with financial companies.
If any complaints are referred to the FOS, we will cooperate fully with them. While we’re bound by their decision, you’re not. Contacting them will not affect your legal rights.
You can contact them via the FOS website, or by calling their consumer helpline:
0800 023 4567 – free for landlines
0300 123 9 123 – free for mobile users who pay a monthly charge for calls to numbers starting 01 or 02
Alternatively, this is their postal address:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
London, E14 9SR
Please be aware that the Financial Ombudsman Service will only be able to consider your complaint after Driverly have had the opportunity to consider and resolve it.
We'll work with you to put things right
FAO Complaints
Driverly Insurance
10 Churchill Way
Cardiff, CF10 2HE